4 Ways to start on self-care for your emotional well-being

You can’t fill from an empty cup! How many times have we all heard that? It is true though. For many of us still adjusting…


You can’t fill from an empty cup! How many times have we all heard that? It is true though. For many of us still adjusting to huge curveball that this covid pandemic has brought, sometimes it gets a little harder to keep our cups filled these days. Self-care often falls on the wayside. However, self-care and prioritizing your emotional well-being is important more than ever!

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Prioritizing self-care for your emotional well-being is important now more than ever. Here are 4 ways to get started on a path to self-care.


Why Self-Care is So Important

We hear the term “self-care” so much, and often times, we think of things like spa days and getting our hair done or something along those lines. While those things are nice, self-care is so much more than that. Providing for your emotional well-being is more than a trip to the salon. It is taking care of yourself and your overall well-being. It is a daily practice. However, many of us don’t take time every day to practice good self-care. It starts to wear on our well-being.

When dealing with the stress, anxiety, and emotional toll of what is going on in our world right now, those steps are more important than ever. For me, right now, trying to deal with being pregnant during a pandemic has taken a huge emotional toll on me. However, as time has gone on, I have found myself working on coping mechanisms and relying on positive self-care practices to get me through. For those of you who have a hard time carving time for yourself, just start with 10-15 minutes a day. Don’t know where to begin? Well, read on to see how to get started!

Prioritizing self-care for your emotional well-being is important now more than ever. Here are 4 ways to get started on a path to self-care.


4 Ways on How To Get Yourself on a good path for Self-Care

Make Yourself a Priority



It’s easy to get stuck in the routine of taking care of others, but you must remember that you are the most important person in your life. The first step is to do something that encourages self-love and time away from your regularly scheduled responsibilities.

I’m telling you to literally put “YOU” in your calendar and make time every day to do something that helps rebuild that self-esteem or maintain that high level of self-esteem every day!


Stop Being a People Pleaser



Being a people pleaser may feel good, at first, but after years of being like this, you’ll quickly find it takes an emotional toll. People pleasers are excellent, kindhearted people who neglect their own needs far too often.

Make a list of things that you frequently say yes to but drain your mental health and energy. These are the things that you will start saying no to or delegating to other people.


Practice Positive Self Talk


Another activity you need to start doing in your daily life for self-care is positive self talk. Make sure that you’re saying only good things about yourself. You may want to use daily affirmations or perhaps write little love notes to yourself so that you can remain focused on what your strengths are.

Practicing positive self talk will seem silly at first. However, it will become a habit and you’ll start feeling more confident as you notice negative self talk has nearly disappeared.


Take a Walk


Talking a walk does more than just provide you with some daily exercise, it helps clear your mind. Consider using your lunch break as an excuse to take a little walk on your favorite nature trail or walk to work to help boost your confidence while your happy hormones get released from the exercise.

Just one brisk 30-minute walk per day has been proven to boost people’s confidence and help increase their physical health.

Prioritizing self-care for your emotional well-being is important now more than ever. Here are 4 ways to get started on a path to self-care.


For More Resources

While I listed some ways that have helped me on my path for self-care, The How Right Now website has a lot more inspiration and resources to help.

I know that right now is a strange time for so many of us, but we need to take care of ourselves and our emotional well-beings, not just for us, but for the ones we love.

I hope you found this information helpful. What are you doing right now to promote self-care for yourself?


    1. I am too. It is something I continually work on because I realized that it drains me of being able to be my best self.

  1. I love all of these ideas. I am so busy that I find I never spend even a little bit of time for myself.

    1. I used to be that way…until I got sick. I drove myself into the ground and ever since I have worked at trying to make sure there is time for me because of it.

  2. I love taking walks to clear my mind. I don’t know why I don’t do it more often. Thanks for posting!

  3. I have a hard time saying no to people which makes my schedule crazy overloaded and increases my stress. Maybe this holiday season I will learn how to use the word “no”!

  4. I enjoyed reading this posting. I am experiencing that “empty cup” feeling right now after a month of emotional drains on my family. I agree that we need to practice self care to keep ourselves strong for the people that need us.

    1. Sending hugs. I think many of us have that empty cup feeling right now with everything going on and that makes self care even more important than ever!

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