How to Slay the Holidays (when you don’t feel like it)

Considering that this year has been one long roller coaster ride, I feel like I am phoning it in this year with celebrating the holidays!…


Considering that this year has been one long roller coaster ride, I feel like I am phoning it in this year with celebrating the holidays! I know I can’t be the only one, so I thought it might be a great time to take a moment and talk about getting through the holidays. Also, I really want to have a bonfire when this year is over to signify my feelings towards this past year.

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While this year brought me my sweet baby Pistachio, which I will be sharing more about his birth story soon, it also brought a lot of stress of being pregnant during a pandemic and left me trying to deal with a lot of leftover mental baggage from all the health issues I dealt with the past few years. At this point, I just want this year to be over. I keep hoping that next year will be better for all of us, and sometimes that hope seems a bit hard at the moment. Needless to say, it really puts a damper on the holiday spirit for me. So I came up with some tips to get through the holidays, and maybe these will help you too!

Not feeling it this holiday season? Then check out these tips on how to get through the holiday season & slay when you aren't feeling it!

  • Lower Your Expectations

Let’s face it, many of us go into this season with exceedingly high expectations. You make all these plans, and you want things to go right. However, nothing is perfect. Some of your plans will not go the way they should, some people will let you down, and some of your ideas just aren’t gonna happen realistically. Don’t expect so much. Don’t stress about everything. Just enjoy.

  • Take your time and Don’t Overschedule

One of the biggest stressors for me is being out in public with people that are in such a hurry that they do stupid or dangerous things, especially while driving. Nothing is worth losing your life or putting someone else’s life in danger. Try to leave early when possible. Recognize that the roads are more congested this time of year. Shopping will take longer. You are probably gonna be late at some point. Take your time. It will help you stay less stressed, and it makes it easier to deal with people and stay alert for those who don’t pay attention.

Also, avoid overscheduling! I know right now, most events are online. It makes it so easy to say yes when you are already home. However, even with it all being on Zoom, I still feel overwhelmed. I get stressed out and burned out from taking on too much. As great as a lot of the activities this month sound, you can’t do them all and shouldn’t try. Only commit to a few and let the rest go.

  • Remember to practice self-care

This goes along with overdoing it. When we over do it, we forget to take care of ourselves. Self-care is more than just a bubble bath or meditation. Sometimes, it is remembering to eat regularly or stay hydrated. Maybe it is telling yourself to go to bed so that you get enough sleep. Maybe it is curling up with a good book. Just remember to take care of yourself so you don’t get run down or sick. Sometimes, it is just saying screw it and staying in to ignore all the holiday mess going on around you. Take care of you!

  • Keep the Toxic People Away

This sounds obvious, but it really isn’t. This time of year, many of us feel the need to spread holiday cheer and let people back into our lives, even if it is briefly, in the spirit of the holidays. DON’T.DO.IT. If your family treats you poorly, that is on them, not you. Don’t seek them out, and don’t feel obligated to spend time with them. The same goes with friendships that have become toxic or exes. Just say no!!! I already had a few moments of weakness already with this one. I struggle so much with it and end up in tears over it. However, I also know that I have so many other wonderful people in my life, and they make up for those that have taken advantage of me over the years.

  • Maintain Flexibility

To stay flexible in things this time of year will help ensure that you have a stress-free holiday season. Things happen. People get sick. The dog throws up on your new pumps. The turkey catches fire. No matter how much we plan, life has a way of putting a wrench in it sometimes. Sometimes, you just gotta laugh. Sometimes, you just gotta let it go and keep going. Maintaining flexibility is always key!

Not feeling it this holiday season? Then check out these tips on how to get through the holiday season & slay when you aren't feeling it!


Final Thoughts

I hope you found these tips to get through the holidays helpful. Which ones would you add to the list? If you are going through a rough time right now, remember you are not alone. Also remember to take care of yourself this time of year and do what makes you happiest!

Also, don’t forget to follow @bearhavenmama and @prissymissydoll on Instagram for more lifestyle, inspo, and even fails!



  1. Earmarked this to read the other day when I saw your IG post. So needed it! This year has beaten me down as well so I’ll be joining you in that bonfire. Thanks for the great tios on how to get through the next 10 days.

  2. This is going to be a very hard year to feel like celebrating but at least we can visit with loved ones via FaceTime.

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