10 Things to Declutter in 10 Minutes (with handy printable list)


While I fall into the maximalist style, I definitely get overwhelmed with clutter. While Summer is just around the corner, I want to share a bit about decluttering for all of you procrastinators, like me! If you scroll to the end, I even have a handy printable to help you in decluttering!

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photo of organized space

Decluttering as Self-Care

I feel decluttering is self-care. When overwhelmed, it makes it hard to focus on tasks we need to complete. Breaking down what we need to do, makes it easier to complete tasks like decluttering. For me, it also makes it easier to figure out what I need to do when deep cleaning as well!

To break things down, I like having charts or lists. Also, I get immense pleasure out of crossing things off a list. I am weird like that! many of the items on my decluttering list should be done at least once a week, especially the digital decluttering items I list. For example, I tend to let my old emails pile up. One step I am taking to prevent that is unsubscribing to brand emails that don’t serve me. It just becomes too much clutter for me. I also keep screenshots and photos that I don’t need, and it makes my memory on my phone almost non-existent at times. Making sure I delete those helps so I don’t get overwhelmed later.


How to Use My “10 Things to Declutter” Printable

Using my “10 Things to Declutter” Printable is super easy! All you need to do is click on the photo and follow your printer’s instructions or click the link that says “Download.”

If you need reminders to declutter, feel free to make copies of this and post it to your refrigerator or some place you are sure to see this to remind you!


text with "10 things to declutter" with list of things to declutter


The Wrap Up

I hope you find this list helpful in decluttering your life. What would you add to my “10 things to declutter” printable list? As always, I love to hear from you. If you find lists like this helpful, be sure to check out my “Spring Cleaning Checklist” as well! Also, don’t  forget to follow me on Instagram too for helpful tips and lifestyle fun!

words saying "10 things to declutter in 10 minutes" with organization photos


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