11 Tips to help make potty training your toddler a success!


Potty training your toddler can be a daunting task for many of us parents. You may find it difficult to potty train your toddler child because they are having too much fun playing with toys or focusing on other activities. Lately, I have been preparing myself for potty training my youngest child. So today, let’s talk simple tips to make potty training your toddler a success!

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toddler sitting on a potty as a way to help with potty training your toddler

Tip #01: Be Patient

Potty training your toddler is a process that will take time, so do not become frustrated if they have accidents. Just keep trying and eventually everything will click for them!

Tip #02: Be Present

Potty training your toddler can be a good time for bonding. Sit and talk with them about the process when it is happening, or just spend some quality time together to help potty train your toddler faster!

Tip #03: Reward Good Behavior

Toddlers love getting praise and rewards for doing something positive, so use this to teach them that going potty is a good thing!

Tip #04:Praise Good Behavior

When your toddler successfully uses their potty, make sure you give them positive reinforcement for doing so. This could be as simple as a high-five and words of encouragement or a sticker on the chart that tracks how often they use the toilet, whichever way works best for you and your toddler!


Tip #05:Track Success

Keep track of how often your child is using the potty, which will help you see what works best for them so that they can learn from success rather than failures. This way, they are more likely to be successful in gaining independence when it comes to being able to use their potty! you can find some great Potty Success Charts on Amazon, like this one!


Tip #06: Don’t Punish Your Toddler When They Have Accidents

Even though accidents happen sometimes when potty training a toddler, it is important not to punish them for having accidents because this will only make the process more difficult.


Tip #07:Take Your Time

The process of potty training your toddler may not be an overnight thing, so don’t worry if you do not see results right away or get frustrated when they have accidents. Just keep trying and eventually, they will start to understand the routine!

Tip #08: Give Them Help If They Need It

There may come a time when your toddler needs some help when they cannot go potty on their own. If this happens, make sure you are there for them and teach them how to use the toilet in an easy way that is comfortable for both of you!

Tip #09: Don’t Give Up

It is important to keep trying when potty training your toddler, so do not give up if you have difficulty in certain areas of the process!

Tip #10: Keep Your Cool

Potty training a toddler can be difficult and frustrating at times, but staying calm is important because this will show them how to react when they are struggling with the process.

Tip #11:Be Patient and Helpful, But Not Tiring

Potty training a toddler can be an exhaustive task for both of your patience levels, but being patient and helpful will make this time easier for yourself!


The Wrap Up

Potty training your toddler feels overwhelming. It takes lots of time and patience. remember to give yourself grace and don’t lose hope if it doesn’t happen right away. What potty training tips would you recommend? Also, check out more from our parenting/lifestyle section for more tips and ideas!


toddler running barefoot


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