Make History Fun with Project Passport World History Studies from Home School In the Woods


Disclaimer: I received a FREE copy of this Project Passport: The Middle Ages by Home School In the Woods product through the HOMESCHOOL REVIEW CREW in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way.

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Recently, we got the opportunity to review Project Passport: The Middle Ages from the Home School in the Woods Project Passport World History Studies Series, and I am excited to share all about our experience with you! This series makes history come alive in a fun, unique way that your children will thoroughly enjoy. So, let me tell you all about it!

Homeschool in the Woods

What Is Home School In the Woods?

Home School in the Woods publishes downloadable hands-on history experiences for homeschool families. Whether your focus is on World History or American History, they have you covered. With it being an election year here in the US, they even have a US Elections Lap Pack which you can read about on their blog.

Each product contains history lessons and hands-on activites to help your child learn in an interactive way. Also, because of the format, you can use their products for more than one child in your family. I don’t know about you, but I love when I don’t have to buy something for each child. It gets expensive! If I can buy one product for my whole family, I am thrilled about saving on our homeschool budget.

Take a trip through history and discover cultures at another era of time with hands-on projects and activities that drive the lessons home in a fun way with the Project Passport: World History Studies from Home School In the Woods.
Working on the passport for Project Passport: The Middle Ages

Project Passport World History Studies

For this review, we received the Project Passport: The Middle Ages package. Each set contains all the text, the master’s key, directions, photos, and resource lists. Basically, you follow the instructions, print everything you need, and get started.

Students create their own suitcase lap book and passport. They explore the subject as if they are travelling during that time period with “stops” along the way. For the Project Passport: The Middle Ages course,topics include Barbarian invasions, everyday Medieval life, the structure of the classes, towns & guilds, science & invention, education, the arts, church history, the castle, the Crusades, knights, vikings, and battles & wars.

By the end of the course, your child should have a great understanding of the time period and what life was like back then.

Take a trip through history and discover cultures at another era of time with hands-on projects and activities that drive the lessons home in a fun way with the Project Passport: World History Studies from Home School In the Woods.
Lap Book in Progress from Home School in the Woods


Our thoughts on Project Passport: The Middle Ages

My children and I haven’t done lap books in a long time, so it took us a bit to get re-acquainted. My 13-year old daughter was the one who wanted to do this course. Currently, she has a fascination for that time period.

When I printed everything, I worried that she might feel she was too old for this kind of thing. However, she actually had a lot of fun with it. It was a bit confusing figuring everything out at first. However, the download included pictures like the one below to give us an idea of how everything should look.

Take a trip through history and discover cultures at another era of time with hands-on projects and activities that drive the lessons home in a fun way with the Project Passport: World History Studies from Home School In the Woods.
Completed Lap Book from Home School in the Woods

Once we had that all sorted, my daughter started working on her passport and then dove into the learning portion. The nice thing about this is that you can adapt this to your child. If there are certain aspects about this that your child doesn’t enjoy, you don’t have to do them.

My daughter thoroughly enjoyed the idea of the traveler type of experience and said that it was fun learning more about what life was like back then. I have a feeling that we may do more unit studies this way in the future!

Take a trip through history and discover cultures at another era of time with hands-on projects and activities that drive the lessons home in a fun way with the Project Passport: World History Studies from Home School In the Woods.


Final Thoughts

If you want to give your child a hands on learning experience and break from traditional textbook style learning, I highly recommend using the Home School in the Woods Project Passport World History Studies Series. If you would like to learn more about other subjects from Home School in the Woods, be sure to check out other reviews from the Homeschool Review Crew by clicking the link below. You can also find them on social media as well:


Also, be sure to check out my other homeschool reviews on my blog! As always, I look forward to your comments and questions, so please feel free to add your thoughts in the comments below!







Take a trip through history and discover cultures at another era of time with hands-on projects and activities that drive the lessons home in a fun way with the Project Passport: World History Studies from Home School In the Woods.







  1. Home School in the Woods sounds like a great resource. Really helpful for the times we are living in right now.

    1. It really is. I actually have some more homeschool related posts coming up this month, especially for those who are just being thrown into homeschooling because of the quarantine.

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