Engaging and Educational Summer Homeschool Ideas


With July ending, I know some of us may be running out of ideas for homeschool fun with the kids. If this is you, fret no more! I totally got you! Today I am sharing some fun engaging and educational summer Homeschool ideas. Not only that, you can print these with your computer, put them on your fridge, and keep them as a handy reference!

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Words saying Summer Homeschool Inspiration with text giving homeschool ideas for summer


A little about these educational summer homeschool ideas

Each of these 12 educational summer homeschool ideas includes an activity idea, the learning goal of said activity, and an extension idea for exploring further. These work for kids of all ages. Also, if you don’t want to use these right now, most of these work for any time of year too. Sometimes we need a break from our regular homeschool program, and my kids and I love doing activities like these to break up our lessons. These activities also include a variety of subjects as well.

Here is what the pages look like. Just click on the image to expand:

Words saying Summer Homeschool Inspiration with text giving homeschool ideas for summer


Words saying Summer Homeschool Inspiration with text giving homeschool ideas for summer

Words saying Summer Homeschool Inspiration with text giving homeschool ideas for summer


Get your copy to download below

To download, click on the image below and follow your printer’s instructions.

ice cream on a stick with words saying Summer Homeschool Inspiration: engaging and educational summer homeschool ideas



The Wrap Up

For more homeschool ideas, check out my HOMESCHOOL section here on my blog. You can find other helpful homeschool resources, like these Online Educational Homeschool Resources for Summer Enrichment. Also, if you don’t follow me on social media, you totally should! I share family life, fashion, and homeschooling, as well as fun travel ideas in the midwest on Instagram as @bearhavenmama!

Also, what other ideas would you add to this list? As always, I love to hear from you, so please feel free to add your ideas in the comments below! If you have homeschooling questions, in general, feel free to ask here or send me a message here or through a DM on social media!



Words saying Summer Homeschool Inspiration with text giving homeschool ideas for summer




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