Self-Care Worksheet

Creating a good routine for self-care as a homeschool parent can be a struggle. However, we need to take care of ourselves in order to be able to take care of the needs of those depending on us.

To help you get started in creating those habits, I have a handy self-care worksheet to get you started!

woman using hands to make a heart


How to use this Self-Care Worksheet

This worksheet is designed to give ideas on how to create a good self-care plan for you. Making yourself a priority does not diminish your family’s needs. However, making yourself a priority makes sure that you are taking care of YOU! When we take care of ourselves, we fill our mental and physical cups. This is crucial to take care of our loved ones. As parents, we sometimes forget to prioritize our needs. Personally, I know I feel guilty at times for prioritizing those needs. However, when I do, I am more capable to take care of the needs of my spouse and children. Our mental and physical health is important in maintaining a happy family!

This worksheet is broken into 3 sections: Mind, Body, and Soul. Each section gives ideas. For example, the soul section gives the example of meditation. Some might use that as time for prayer and devotions. For others, it might include journaling. Be sure to put in the notes section how you want to use the ideas, as well as a plan to incorporate these daily, weekly, or monthly.

For more ideas, please see my post on “4 Ways to Start on Self-Care for your Emotional Well-being.”


Download Your Self-Care Worksheet

To download, please click on the worksheet below or click on the “click here” link to get started.

self-care worksheet to help with taking care of one's self



The Wrap Up

For those of you who are finding me through the Homeschool Superheroes Conference, what are some things you wish to add? I hope you find this worksheet helpful and please follow me here and on Instagram for more real life of a misfit family, plus crafts, recipes, and reviews!