Calvert Homeschool Online Homeschool Curriculum Review

I have always been curious about Calvert Homeschool after hearing about it from other homeschool families.  When they offered their Calvert Homeschool Online program with access…


I have always been curious about Calvert Homeschool after hearing about it from other homeschool families.  When they offered their Calvert Homeschool Online program with access to all the courses for my honest review, I thought homeschool curriculum review would be a great opportunity for my family!

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homeschool curriculum reviews with Calvert Homeschool Online


What is Calvert Homeschool Online?

Calvert Homeschool offers a mobile online homeschool program. It is broken into two programs, one for k-2 and one for grades 3-12. We received a 6 month subscription to the grades 3-12 program for this review.

Calvert Homeschool is known as one of the leading homeschool providers. As an award winning product, the individual and family plans give you access to 45 courses in history and geography, language arts, math, science and more. As a parent you control how your child is able to complete the coursework. However, the program does all the lessons and grading. Calvert Homeschool works well for families with multiple children, leaving parents a little less frazzled.

While Calvert Homeschool Online is broken into individual grades, your child isn’t bound to that grade. If your child excels in one subject, they can move up a grade. If they need extra help, you can put them in a lower level. The focus is entirely based on learning and not the anxiety that comes with having to perform at a certain grade level.

Calvert Homeschool offers over 45 courses in its online based homeschool curriculum for grades 3-12. Check out one student's honest homeschool review!

My Child’s Review

When accepting to try out Calvert Homeschool Online, I had one child specifically in mind for trying out this program. My 16 year old son needs programs that are flexible in where he learns. However, he needs something organized where I can keep tabs on him. I figured that if this worked well for him, it might be something we continue using through the rest of his high school years.

Here is my son’s honest Calvert Homeschool Curriculum Review:

I have been using Calvert Homeschool Online for a few weeks now. I’ve got to say I’ve really liked it so far. It has fairly easy to understand lessons and occasionally videos within the lessons. The interface provides an easy-to-use experience. 

Calvert Review

While I experienced a few issues, they were small. My main issue was that I did not immediately understand the assignments were referring to the unit and not the lesson. It took me a bit to figure out this. I feel in future updates this should be made a bit more obvious so people don’t end up making the same mistake as I did.

Aside from that, the lesson structure is pretty simple.  You get an introduction to the lesson and some vocabulary words for you.  Then you have the lesson, which usually consists of reading and watching a video or two.

Calvert Homeschool review

While I struggled in the beginning, I found it easy to use once I got started. Currently, I am working on an English course, Biology, and a World History course. The lessons aren’t boring, and I am enjoying them.

Also, I liked that you can use Calvert Homeschool Online on a number of devices. Since I love computers and have older and newer computers, I mostly use my main computer. However, I tried it out on my Mac G4 from 2002, and it still ran well. That means you don’t need a top of the line computer to use this.

Overall, I enjoy this program and the lesson. I like the flexibility of it being online. Being able to do school work wherever makes things so much easier for me.

Final Thoughts

Calvert Homeschool offers a lot of flexibility and access to over 45 courses in history and geography, language arts, math, science and more through Calvert Homeschool Online. The flexibility of a completely online based homeschool curriculum allows students to do school work wherever they go.

If you want to find out more about this program, be sure to check them out on social media and also check out the other reviews by the Homeschool Review Crew. If you found this homeschool curriculum review helpful, be sure to pin this review and share it with other homeschool families!

homeschool curriculum reviews with Calvert Homeschool Online






Calvert Homeschool offers over 45 courses in its online based homeschool curriculum for grades 3-12. Check out one student's honest homeschool review! #homeschool #homeschoolcurriculum #Calvertlegacy #CalvertHomeschool #HomeschoolwithCalvert






  1. Looks like it would be easier and faster than pulling your own stuff together. One of the joys of homeschooling is to be able to move things around so I’m not sure if Calvert would be adaptable to that. It might be helpful for a new homeschooler who is unsure of the curriculum choices

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